Statement about Learning at Eco Camp

Ultra Jaya
Teh Kotak

Heru D. Wardana, Ir. MHort.Sc
Head of Kampong Djamoe Organik (KaDO) Martha Tilaar
Community Development of PT. Martina Berto, Tbk.
Activist and Motivator on Environment Preservation
Researcher of Herbs and Uses for Health & Beauty

Attending activity program with Eco Camp was wonderful moment for me. Learning and experiencing about living in nature. With Eco Camp we will be guided to improve our inner awareness as a human being living in harmony with nature. We are a part of the nature. Whatever happened in nature, it will affect our live. Whatever we do to the nature that make it imbalance, the impact will come back to human life. We will learn more and deeply about this at Eco Camp.

Indoor and outdoor activities will be presented well to us, so that we recognize and understand the nature and environment where we live and how we are fully depended to it. Joining few hours of activities in a few days with Eco Camp, we will raise our awareness about how to live wisely, stay in harmony with nature. Hurting nature means hurting ourselves and our future generation. Understanding nature by taking care of it means taking care our life and generations in the future. How great is the blessing of God to us by providing green nature as our beautiful home with abundant food storage for us and for our generation. Completing one session with Eco Camp will bring us to the next session that we do not want to miss it.

Come and join activities together at Eco Camp, and you will get a great and big family that have similar vision and mission of living in balance. We can enjoy life in happiness only if we can make balance between our body, mind, and soul. At Eco Camp you can find it all, under the fresh green trees at Taman Hutan Raya (TaHuRa) Juanda, Bandung.